Date Printed: Monday August 6, 2007, 5:24 pm


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The 2008-09 Whitaker International Fellows and Scholars Program competition for biomedical engineers will open in the late summer of 2007.

Feel free to browse around the Whitaker International Fellows and Scholars Program website to learn more about this opportunity for biomedical engineers to conduct a study, research, or internship opportunity abroad.

Program Premise

As the field of biomedical engineering has developed, it has expanded into a global discipline. As biomedical engineers in the United States, you know that work in the field is becoming more refined, and sometimes the best place to study or conduct research may not be domestic. At this time, there are few opportunities to go abroad and leverage international expertise. However, one of those opportunities is the Whitaker International Fellows and Scholars Program.

The goal of the Whitaker International Fellows and Scholars Program is to assist in the development of professional leaders who are not only superb engineers and scientists, but who also will lead and serve the profession with an international outlook.

We encourage young biomedical engineers who are keen for an international experience to take advantage of this program.


The Whitaker Foundation

The Whitaker Foundation, which funded the Whitaker Program, and which used "" as its internet home, closed in the summer of 2006. The Whitaker Foundation has graciously passed use of the website address to the Whitaker International Fellows and Scholars Program, starting July 1, 2007. This means that the Whitaker name and web address will continue to promote the growth of the field of biomedical engineering. While they have ceased operations, The Whitaker Foundation's web archive and curriculum database are still available (maintained by the Biomedical Engineering Society). To read more about how the Whitaker Program was created by The Whitaker Foundation, please click on links in the "Home" section of the left-hand menu bar.

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